American immigrants

1、 What are the conditions for immigrating to the United States 1. The applicant meets the following conditions: (1) The applican...

American immigrants

1、 What are the conditions for immigrating to the United States

1. The applicant meets the following conditions:

(1) The applicant has legal residency status in the United States.

Including green cards or citizens; If you do not have a legal residency status in the United States (such as a student visa), you cannot apply for immigration. Additionally, if the applicant is not an American, they cannot apply for US immigration through family reunion. Because according to American law, it is not allowed for foreigners to intermarry with each other.

(2) The applicant has a sufficiently high level of education and language proficiency (English proficiency). Generally, a bachelor's degree or above is required, with an IELTS score of 6.5 or above or a TOEFL score of 100 or above in order to consider applying for US immigration; If you have a master's degree or above, you can directly submit the I-20 form to apply for a visa and enter the United States to reside. (Note: Some schools may require higher educational qualifications)

(3) The applicant has sufficient proof of assets (such as deposit certificates, etc.);

(4) Good physical health condition;

(5) Having sufficient funds to support living in the United States and purchasing properties, cars, and other items; In addition, certain household income standards and personal property standards must be met. The specific requirements shall be subject to the regulations of each state.

2. Age limit

Generally speaking, children under the age of 18 cannot submit as main application materials. Children under the age of 18 need both parents to provide guarantees in order to obtain approval. People over the age of 18 can also submit as main application materials for approval. Parents of children under the age of 18 can also act as joint applicants to submit documents. However, it should be noted that children under the age of 18 cannot apply separately, and parents must provide guarantees!

2、 How to prepare materials for American immigration

1. Birth Notarization

Birth notarization refers to the process of providing a copy of a medical certificate or original notarized document issued by a hospital within three months of a baby's birth to a local notary office for authentication and stamping, and then copying and keeping it for future use in the application for childbirth in the United States. (Note: Due to the different times for issuing birth medical certificates in each place, please consult the relevant local department for the specific time.)

2. Passport

Passport is one of the essential documents for going abroad and also one of the necessary documents for going to the United States to have children! It is recommended that expectant mothers prepare two original and photocopy valid passports in advance for any future needs! (If you are unable to handle it in person for some reason, you can entrust someone else to handle it!) In addition, you need to prepare a 2-inch white background color photo and stick it on the application form for future use~

3. ID card

ID card is one of the important documents for Chinese residents!

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